OPC Drum Yaponiya fuji 013r00647 ishchiligi 7435 7970 7525 7530 7530 7835 7835 7845 7845 7845 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835 7835
Be used in : Xerox 013R00647 WorkCentre 7435 7970 7525 7530 7535 7545 7830 7835 7845 7855
● Asl
● Sifat kafolati: 18 oy
● Og'irligi: 0,2 kg
● To'plam miqdori:
● Hajmi: 42 * 5 * 5 sm -
OPC Drum Fuji Purple for Xerox 7500 7525 7530 7535 7545 7556 7800 7830 7835 7845 7855 7970 C8030 C8035 C8045 C8055 C8070 EC7836 Drum
Be used in : Xerox 7500 7525 7530 7535 7545 7556 7800 7830 7835 7845 7855 7970 C8030 C8035 C8045 C8055 C8070 EC7836
● Asl
● 1: 1 Agar sifat muammosi bo'lsa -
Xerox DCC7000 6000 1100 900 4110 4112 4127
Xerox DCC7000 6000 1100 900 41112 4127
● Uzoq hayot
● zavod to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotish -
Xerox ishi uchun OPC baraban 5325 5330 5335
Ishlatilishi mumkin: Xerox ishicentre 5325 5330 5335
● zavod to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotish
● 1: 1 Agar sifat muammosi bo'lsa -
Xerox WC6500 uchun OPC baraban
Foydalanilishi mumkin: Xerox WC6500
● zavod to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotish
● 1: 1 Agar sifat muammosi bo'lsa -
Xerox dokucentre - OPC dokucentre - 236 336 Dokcucentre-II 2005 2055 3005 CT350769
Xerox dokucentre 236 286 336 doktunentre-II 2005 2055 3005 CT350769
● Asl
● Uzoq hayot -
Xerox dokucentre 156 186 236 286 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 yil 535ryabr 5350299 CT350299
Foydalanilintiriladi: Xerox dokucentre 156 186 286 286 2005 2008 2008 2008 2005 2005 2005 450i 535R00670 CT350769 CT350299
● zavod to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotish
● Sifat kafolati: 18 oy -
Xerox doktorcenter uchun OPC baraban 2060 3060 3065 CT350922
IV 2060 3060 3065 CT350922
● Asl
● zavod to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotish -
Xerox 7535 uchun OPC baraban
Foydalanilishi mumkin: Xerox 7535
● Uzoq hayot
● zavod to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotish -
OPC Drum Color for Xerox Workcentre DC 240 242 250 252 260 Wc 7655 7665 7675 7755 7765 7775 C550 C560 C570 Cc60 Cc70
Be used in : Xerox Workcentre DC 240 242 250 252 260 Wc 7655 7665 7675 7755 7765 7775 C550 C560 C570 Cc60 Cc70
● zavod to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotish
● 1: 1 Agar sifat muammosi bo'lsa -
Xerox 900 1100 7000 4110 4112 410 120 120
Xerox 900 1100 7000 41112 4127 D95 110 125
● zavod to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotish
● Uzoq hayot -
Xerox dokucentre-IV C2370 C2370 C3370 C3370 C3373 C3371 DCC3371 CT350851 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dok3371
Xerox Dococentre-IV C2370 C3370 C3370 C3371 C3373 C3377 dcc3371 CT350851 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371 dcc3371)
● zavod to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotish
● To'g'ri mos keladiganXonhai texnologiyasi cheklanganligi mahsulot ishlab chiqarish muhitiga e'tibor qaratadi, mahsulot sifatiga ahamiyat beradi va global mijozlar bilan kuchli ishonch aloqalarini o'rnatishni kutmoqda. Biz chin dildan siz bilan uzoq muddatli sherik bo'lishni kutamiz!